Az álomnagyságok ígérete: Pert indított egy férfi, miután nem érte el a várt eredményt a pénisznagyobbító műtét után

A feldühödött bankár kártérítésként 500 ezer lírát, vagyis majdnem 6 millió forintot követel.

A törökországi Tekirdagból származó gazdag bankár, Ilter Turkmen dr. Haluk Soylemez services to enlarge his 4.7-inch, or nearly 12-centimeter genital organ, but claims that the intervention went slightly wrong. The surgery resulted in a slight decrease of approximately one centimeter in his masculinity, leading him to initiate legal proceedings against the plastic surgeon. Despite a second corrective procedure, Turkmen suffered from months of excruciating pain and visible scarring on his genital organ due to the botched surgery. The plastic surgeon denies making any specific statements about the size of the penis after the intervention, and attributes the risk of unsuccessful results to the patient’s anatomical structure.

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